For Candidates
Explanation of services and industries / opps to candidates
Nurse on a cruise ship
The onboard Nurse provides nursing services to all At Sea employees and guests, and supports the Staff Captain and other shipboard Medical personnel in all health-related matters at sea, including illness reporting and outbreak prevention. Aside from assisting the Doctor, he/she helps manage the daily operations of the clinic/hospital; provides first-aid instructions for crewmembers; and tests water samples.
• A good-standing RN license
• ACLS and ALS certificates
• Minimum of three years post-graduate clinical training
• Minimum of one year practical experience in Advanced Cardiac Life Support
• A minimum of one year experience in the Coronary Care, Emergency, or Intensive Care units
• Fully vaccinated against Covid - 19
Explanation of services and industries / opps to candidates
Explanation of services and industries / opps to candidates
1st Engineer
Join a cruise ship as 1st Engineer Officer and you will understand that working at sea is more than just a job. It’s a way of life. You will be the first point of contact for technical queries, and be responsible for the day-to-day management of junior officers, technicians, fitters and ratings whilst identifying and ensuring all staff are competent to undertake specific duties. You will also ensure planned and preventative maintenance and testing of all engine rooms and ensure work is carried out safely in accordance with all current safety and company regulations. Additionally, you will work collaboratively with the wider ship team and contractors whilst reporting on their progress and performance. Meanwhile, you will visit exciting places, explore new worlds and gain experiences that stay with you for a lifetime.
Relevant Certificates of Competency- 2nd Engineering Unlimited (III/2) Class 2 / Chief Engineering Unlimited (III/2) Class 1 (COC)
All Basic and Advanced STCW certificates
STCW High Voltage Management training certificate
Good command of written and spoken English
Experience on board a cruise ship is essential
Fully vaccinated against Covid - 19

Helpful Guides and Training Resources
Safety Trainings
Before your embarkation and in order to do so, you will need to undertake safety training. Policies pertaining to on-board training varies from company to company. Some companies provide on-board training whilst with other companies, the candidate will be responsible for their own training and costs. We will assist you with this. There are very few instances where companies reimburse the costs of personal training. Training for relevant certificates, in most cases can be taken after the interview process. We can assist you once your role has been approved with the relevant certificates and also establish if any reimbursement exists for specific certificates.
General certificates candidates are expected to hold independently are:
• Basic Safety Training (STCW Code VI/1)
• Security Awareness (STCW Code VI/6-1)
• Passenger Ship Safety (STCW Code V/2)
• Crisis Management and Human Behavior (A-V/2 & A-V/3)
All of the certificates can be taken via on-line courses. You are required to take this test unless you are on the exemption list for English speaking countries such as The U.S.A., Australia, The U.K. etc

Seaman’s book
The Seaman’s Book is an official document to record seafarer’s experience along the years/ranks and it was standardized in 1978 (MLC is very controversial about the actual date).
Marlins Test
The Marlins Test is the official English proficiency test for every cruise line in the world. You are required to take this test if you are not from an English speaking company such as the U.S.A., U.K., Australia etc. Before you start make sure you select the correct version of the test. The Marlins English Language Test for Cruise Ship Staff. This is the correct test for cruise ship staff and other versions of the test will not be accepted.

CV Layout
CV Advice & How to make your CV stand out
In an ever competitive challenging job market, it is essential your CV highlights your key competencies, experience and accomplishments. The purpose of a CV is to create a first impression and improve the opportunity of securing interviews and getting the job you want.
Employers will have limited time to review CV’s therefore it is imperative to make your CV stand out with the information relevant to what the employer is seeking in terms of job requirements.
CHF’s experienced consultants will be able to advise you on your CV and give you any suggestions to ensure it is the best representation of your experience and skills.

Layout of a CV
Choose a clear font which is easy to read.
Think carefully before you begin, your CV should be organised, easy to read and interesting. Use headings, short sentences or bullet points.
Confirm dates and qualifications are correct
Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar
Personal Details
Full Name & Postal Address
Email Address
Contact telephone numbers - home and mobile with STD code
Driving Licence - if applicable
Nationality & Visa Status
Personal Profile
A short paragraph highlighting your key skills, strengths/qualities and experience
Employment History
Start with your most recent employment
Start with the Month /Year started and finished, Job title, employers name, nature of business
Using bullet points list key responsibilities in detail, including any major achievements
Highlight any achievements throughout your employment period within a company
Ensure you account for all gaps in employment
Reasons for leaving do not need to be included
Skills & Additional Information
List any languages, indicating whether they are written, conversational or fluent
IT skills including the level of proficiency and the version of software used
Interests & Hobbies
Highlight any extra-curricular activities that show outside interests, keep this brief and factual. E.g. sports, show health & fitness.

Education & Qualifications
Start by putting your most recent education and qualifications first e.g. University , College for Further Training.
List all education from Secondary school onwards
Name Schools, Colleges, Universities with the locations
List examinations passed with the dates and result List examinations passed with the dates and results
Any specialist training courses attended relevant to the job
Include any relevant courses attended
List any professional qualifications
Education and Qualifications should only be listed before
List Employment History for recent Graduates and School leavers
References available upon request’ is adequate to add at the end of your CV
Other things to consider
Try to keep your CV to 2 pages if possible.
Remember to tailor your CV as employers will value this and do take time to check and proof read your CV for any spelling or grammatical errors.
Should you require further information or advice on writing your CV please contact CHF Recruitment.
Preparing for video interviews
Video Interview Preparation
Video interviews are now a standard part of the employment process. Even if you are seasoned at face2face interviews, there are fundamental differences to the interview process that affect the outcome. Fortunately, preparation and controlling factors in advance will increase your chances of Success.
Testing Hardware
Essential functions that need to be working correctly at the time of interview are connectivity, microphone, speakers and camera.
Internet connection: Ensure you have a stable connection. Connectivity problems such as image freezing or losing connection through the interview can result in losing the flow of the interview, make the process feel awkward or even worse, you may have to reschedule. Take the interview as your one chance to win the role. There may be another interview scheduled directly after your interview. That person could get the job before you have the chance to Reschedule.
Microphone, speakers and camera: Most modern laptops will have camera, microphone and speakers provided. However, whether you are using inbuilt computer equipment oryou’re using external components, you should check far in advance that all of the required components have been tested and working. Consider using headphones for best sound quality. Some inbuilt computer components such as speakers and microphones can result in poor sound quality and excessive feedback. Most modern equipment, such as phones, android devices or recent laptop models will have superior visual and audio components which will be suitable for video interview. Test your set up in advance to be sure.

Preparing software
Make sure you know which software will be used for the interview. It could be MS Teams, Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts or any other software. If you are unfamiliar with the software, make sure it is installed and that all permissions have been checked in advance. Don’t start an interview and find out the software needs permission to access your microphone or camera.
Also, check your account settings. Your username should be your real name or an acceptable professional name. Your picture should also be professionally acceptable. A professional headshot of your smiling face in good lighting is ideal.
A business meeting would not normally be conducted in your kitchen or by the side of the road. Even if your interview is excellent and has impressed the interviewer you want the interviewer to focus on you. Avoid distractions in the background like dirty laundry, cluttered kitchen tops or busy domestic and public spaces.
You may have limited options for interview space. If that is the case make sure the background is tidy and there is nothing embarrassing in view. A plain wall as a background will be perfect. Alternatively, you can angle the camera to face a bookshelf (with industry related books if available ), some tasteful art or use a background provided with the software. This may require you moving your desk but you can always move it back afterwards. Place the desk so the background is tidy and not distracting and not facing your unmade bed.

Framing and lighting
Facetiming is now an integral part of our communication. How we communicate with friends and family for example. This is also true for professional communication. In most situations you are probably not considering lighting or framing. When facetiming with friends and family, providing your face is visible that is usually fine.
Professional video interviews should be given a bit more thought. Don’t walk around on a phone during an interview. Don’t sit with a laptop so it is pointing up your nose. Set your camera so you are directly facing it with your eye level in line with the camera.
You may need to stack some books or get a box and place the laptop on that. Also make sure your features are easy to see. This can be achieved by controlling the lighting. Diffused light is the most flattering. A basic rule is do not have sources of light behind you. Sit facing windows and other light sources. If this is not possible you can place a lamp or two on the desk behind the laptop. Either in the middle or at either side. You can put them back after the interview.
Find a location where there will be no distractions.
Areas with distractions include coffee shops, areas of your house where people are likely to be walking about or creating sound.
Aim for silence. If you live with people, let them know you will be interviewing and close the door. Let them know the interview is over when you open the door. Close Apps you have running in the background. If someone has a loud dog, ask them to take it for a walk.
The benefits of having an undisturbed professional, uncluttered background will allow you to focus without distraction and make you the focal point of the interview.

Personal appearance
Dress as if you are going to an office interview that is appropriate for the position you are applying for.
Increased numbers of people are working remotely. You may be someone who has been working remotely or have been out of work. This will have an affect on your habits. For the interview get out of the habit of walking around in pyjamas with sleep hair. The old rules of interviewing still apply. Dress appropriate to the position you are applying for as if you were physically there and dress for a position one higher than the position you are applying for.
Don’t be all top and no bottom. You may look amazing on screen sitting down but you never know, you may need to stand up for something (perhaps to grab something). Don’t get caught in your underwear!
Dress fully for the interview. I’m sure we’ve all put a shirt on for a video meeting wearing shorts and flip flops below. Go the extra mile for the interview. This will put you in the right frame of mind. Dress for the part you want.
Body language, facial expression, voice and eye contact
Be yourself. Sit straight for the interview. Don’t fidget with things or tap the table.
If you have a computer chair, don’t rock around in it. Fix it stable for the interview.
Appear at ease, friendly, and smile when it is appropriate.
Importantly, place the camera at eye level. There is a reason for this. When looking at the camera it appears as making eye contact on the other end. If you are looking at the monitor, yourself, or notifications you will appear to be looking away from the interviewer.
When you are speaking always look into the camera to ensure eye contact. When the interviewer is speaking you can look at the monitor to observe the interview panel, their body language and facial expressions. Remembering to address the camera for eye contact is what’s important. Especially when speaking.

Mute button
Become familiar with the mute button.
If there are unexpected noises like sirens mute them out when the interviewer is speaking.
If you need to type during the interview press mute. The click-clack of typing will be audible to the interviewers. Try not to type during the interview.
If there is excessive noise while you are speaking acknowledge it and wait for it to pass.
Interview notes
Video interviews offer a few advantages not available in face2face interviews:
Have your resume and other relevant documents to hand in advance. If a question requires you to refer to your documents, they will be available on hand.
You can use sticky labels stuck to your monitor on the side and beside the camera to remind you of important key points without looking away too far. Combine this with how far you are situated from the camera. Don’t sit too close, or too far. Being able to see your head,
shoulders, and mid-chest should be the closest.

Another advantage video interviews offer is the ability to practice. Use the record function on the software and do a test run.
Have questions prepared for the interviewers as well as responses to commonly asked interview questions.
Record yourself ideally in the location you will be using, in the clothes you will be wearing and practice your questions and responses.
This will let you know how you look and sound, how the lighting is, if you have any fidgety habits, how you sound and that you are making adequate eye contact.
After watching the recording make necessary adjustments to ensure you are presenting the best possible impression of yourself.
Face to face vs video interviews
OK, you do not have to sit in a lobby waiting, ask for a coffee from the receptionist or shake hands.
However, asides from that the standard rules of interview apply. Don’t forget the basics.
Be prepared, punctual and polite.
Research the company ahead of time.
Understand the role you are applying for.
Have answers prepared for common interview questions and be ready to highlight your skills and abilities.
Video interviews may seem informal compared to office interviews but just as much preparation is required. Added to this you need to control the technical aspect at your end.